Increasing the impact of learning analytics: from exploration to scalability

Présentée par Sasha Poquet, chercheuse à l’ Université de Singapour
17 janvier 2019 | Atrium, Campus Pierre et Marie Curie, PARIS


Learning Analytics (LA) is concerned with understanding and capturing the learning process to optimize learning opportunities for students. The potential of learning analytics has been recognized, but questions regarding its impact remain. In her talk, Dr Poquet will discuss how the potential impact of learning analytics can be increased. To support this argument, the talk will first review the research published in 2011-2018 LAK conferences and Journal of Learning Analytics to explore how learning analytics has impacted our understanding of learning in theory or practice. The talk will exemplify studies included in the review with a particular focus on learning analytics practices for undergraduate students.  The talk will conclude with some examples of how such initiatives can be taken up systemically, through case studies from universities with different levels of learning analytics maturity.

Dr. Sasha Poquet

He is a researcher at the National University of Singapore. Her learning analytics agenda aims to advance evidence and practices around the impact of social factors in educational settings. Sasha approaches her research in learning networks as an experienced teacher and a social scientist. In her role at  the Institute for Application of Learning Science and Educational Technology (ALSET), she enjoys bridging educator track staff with academic domain experts and IT specialists.  From 2017-2019, Sasha served on SOLAR(Society Of Learning Analytics Research) Executive Committee. She received her PhD in Learning Analytics at the University of South Australia; an MA in Educational Sociology from Aarhus University, Denmark, and Deusto University, Spain; and a BA in Education and Teacher Training in Ukraine.

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